
I’m a writer, teacher, and edi­tor in rur­al Con­necti­cut. I’m man­ag­ing edi­tor for The Forge Lit­er­ary Mag­a­zine, where every day I am priv­i­leged to work along­side many tal­ent­ed edi­tors, read­ers, and writers. 

I taught mid­dle school lan­guage arts in Bal­ti­more and New Haven, and now I teach cre­ative writ­ing out­side the class­room in local libraries. I occa­sion­al­ly take on devel­op­men­tal edit­ing projects. 

I love run­ning with my two (smelly) dogs and research­ing obscure top­ics. I have two kids, avalanche-prone book­cas­es, and epilepsy.

You can check out my list of pub­lished short fic­tion and cre­ative non­fic­tion on the Pub­li­ca­tions page and get in touch using the Con­tact page. 

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